North Carolina Governor Page Program

The Governor's Award for Excellence is the highest honor a state employee may receive for dedicated service to the State of North Carolina and its citizens. The award gives us an opportunity to recognize exemplary state employees whose service and contributions go beyond the call of duty and make a positive difference in the lives of their fellow North Carolinians. The governor of North Carolina was the last governor in the country to receive veto power in 1996. Here is where you can see how many bills have been vetoed each session. The governor has the power to issue executive orders. Here is where you can keep track of all of the executive orders. Michael Francis Easley (born March 23, 1950) is an American lawyer and politician who served as the 72nd governor of the U.S. State of North Carolina from January 2001 to January 2009. He is the first governor of North Carolina to have been convicted of a felony. A member of the Democratic Party, Easley was North Carolina's second Catholic governor. NC Governor’s Page Programs NCHE helps to facilitate the opportunity for teens of North Carolina homeschooling families to participate in the Governor’s Page Programs by setting aside a week each year as homeschool week and providing help for those who wish to go on their own at other times.

Page Program Description


The Governor's Page Program has been postponed thru Summer and will follow the Governor's recommendations for school reopening. Safety of our students is a priority for our office during this time. For any further questions please contact In the meantime, Governor Roy Cooper encourages young people who are not at-risk to volunteer locally for food banks and pantries, meals on wheels etc. Don't forget to bring your own mask when you volunteer, keep 6 feet apart from others, wash your hands and don't touch your face. Be safe and continue serving!

Established in 1973, the Governor’s Page Program gives high school students from all over North Carolina the opportunity to come to Raleigh for a week of hands-on participation in their state government. We want the Page Program to represent North Carolina’s diverse communities and help inspire a new generation of leaders.

The program is designed to help students grow in four key areas:

  • Civics. Pages will see first-hand the three different branches of government and how they work together to serve the people of North Carolina.
  • History. Pages will learn about our shared history so that we can better understand the present.
  • Service. Pages will learn more about the importance of community and civil service, and the impact it has on our state.
  • Professional Development. Pages will develop skills needed for entering higher education or the workforce.


Each applicant must be a North Carolina high school student in good academic standing between the ages of sixteen and eighteen years old. Pages are selected to serve for a term of four days. All Pages must abide by a Code of Conduct throughout their time in the program.


Activities and Responsibilities

The Governor’s Page Program offers students an in-depth view of state government. During the week, Pages will be assigned to assist staff in the Governor’s Office. Pages will tour multiple government buildings and historic sites during their stay including the Legislative Building, the State Capitol, the Executive Mansion, and the North Carolina Museum of History. Finally, Pages will have the opportunity to meet with government officials and discuss how state government works and how it impacts the lives of North Carolinians. See Instagram or Facebook for images from previous weeks. To better visualize the experience for applicants, one group of pages created this parody of their week.

All pages will spend part of their week researching and planning a volunteer project in their communities. This project is designed to have students engage their fellow youth in service and show the direct effect of community service. As such, the number of service hours received during your time as a page will decrease from 25 hours to 10 hours until completion of the service project. The maximum community service hours that can be earned is 40 hours. Americorps Alumni will be available to advise the Pages.


Generally, Pages serve Monday through Thursday. Pages report at 1 PM on the Monday of their designated service week to the Office of the Governor in the Administration Building, 116 West Jones Street, in downtown Raleigh. On Tuesday through Thursday, they are scheduled 9 AM - 4 PM. The weeks for 2021 are listed below.

January 25 - 27June 14 - 17September 13-16 Full
February 22 - 25 FullJune 21 - 24September 27-30
March 8 - 11 FullJuly 5-8October 11-14Full
March 22 - 25July 12 - 15October 25- 28
April 19 - 22July 19 - 22November 1 - 4
May 3 - 6July 26 -29 FullNovember 15 - 18
May 17 - 20August 2 - 5December 6 - 9
May 24 - 27August 9 - 12 Full

Dress Code

North Carolina Governor Page ProgramNorth

Pages are expected to dress in business attire each day. Young men are expected to wear suits or coat and tie. Young women are expected to wear a skirt of appropriate length or pants and jacket. Pages should wear comfortable shoes as the program requires walking to various locations in downtown Raleigh.


Nc Governor Page Program

Pages will receive a stipend of $150.00 per week to offset the costs of expenses incurred. Checks will be distributed on Thursday before Pages depart Raleigh. Pages also are eligible to receive 25 hours’ community service.


Once accepted to the program, it is the responsibility of the Page and his or her guardians to make arrangements for accommodations prior to coming to Raleigh. If you need a host family, please contact the Page Coordinator once accepted for a list of possible homes, host housing is limited so please make arrangements as soon as possible.

Lunch and Parking

Pages should plan to pack a lunch or bring money Tuesday-Thursday. The surrounding area offers a wide variety of restaurants with prices ranging from $8-15 per meal. In addition, pages may wish to bring extra money for miscellaneous expenses. Pages may park in the Visitor’s Parking Lot located on the corner of Jones and Wilmington Street for a flat fee per day. There is also intermittent paid two-hour parking throughout the area.

North Carolina Governor Office

Contact Information

Page Coordinator
Office: (919) 814-2069

North Carolina Governor Update

How to Apply

Governor Page Program

Complete your application online in one sitting. Be prepared to provide a first, second, and third choice for of the week you wish to serve. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the program is full.

North Carolina Governor's Page Program

Two online recommendations are required. One recommendation must be from staff or faculty at your school, unless you are homeschooled then it can be from a teaching adult including family. The other recommendation can be from any non-relative adult. Incomplete applications or applications without two recommendations will not be processed.