Can Men Get Postpartum Depressionjpfasr

Helping Men Beat The Baby Blues And Overcome Depression

The truth about postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is simply depression that occurs after the birth of a child. With this definition, we can see how it can affect both genders. In fact, research has shown that it does. Let’s pause for a moment and think if the opposite were true. People still think that men cannot be affected. Yes, men can get postpartum depression. An estimated 4% to 25% of new fathers experience postpartum depression in the first two months after their child's birth. Any big life transition, like.

PostpartumMen is a place for men with concerns about depression, anxiety or other problems with mood after the birth of a child. It promotes self-help, provides important information for fathers – including a self-assessment for postpartum depression – hosts an online forum for dads to talk to each other, offers resources, gathers new information about men’s experiences postpartum, and – most importantly – helps fathers to beat the baby blues.

Yes, men do get postpartum depression. It’s a fact that most people – and even many health professionals – don’t know. As a result, most men with postpartum depression suffer in isolation. With PostpartumMen, these dads are no longer alone.

Healthline chose PostpartumMen as one of the top 10 postpartum depression blogs for 2017 – and it’s the only one for men.

PostpartumMen Also Awarded 5 Stars by KwikMed!
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Remember seeing your baby for the first time? You were probably filled with pride and excitement. That’s what you always heard it was like having a child – pure joy. Baby bliss.

Then, reality sets in. Sleepless nights. A screaming infant needing nearly constant care. Fights with your partner. Going to work exhausted.

Then, over time, you’ve noticed things have gotten worse.

Now, you’ve lost your sense of humor, and there’s not much to look forward to. You’ve started getting more anxious or panicky. You’ve had trouble sleeping. And you’re miserable a lot of the time.

Or perhaps you’ve been irritable. You’re getting more stressed at work and getting angry with your wife. Maybe you’ve noticed you’re drinking more – or withdrawing from people.

These are all signs of men’s depression. You may think you should just “get over it” – and that you must be the only guy who can’t. But you’re not the only one.

Every day, over 1,000 new dads in the United States become depressed. And according to some studies, that number is as high as 2,700. That’s 1 in 10 to as many as 1 in 4 new dads who have postpartum depression. Whatever
the exact number, we know that a lot of fathers are suffering from this painful condition.

The truth is, depression, anxiety and other mood disorders are common. In fact, they’re just as common – and just as real – as physical problems, like heart disease and diabetes. They can also be as crippling.

Now, contrary to what you might think, admitting you’re depressed isn’t admitting defeat. It’s admitting there’s hope. And it’s taking charge of your life.

Postpartum depression in dads – or PPND (for Paternal Postnatal Depression) – is a very serious condition. Without effective treatment, it can result in damaging, long-term consequences for a man, his child, and his entire family. But with proper treatment and support, men can fully recover from PPND.

Depression isn’t something a guy can simply “get over.” It’s a health condition that needs to be treated – just like a bad heart or injured knee. PostpartumMen is a place for you to find the strength and courage you need to get your life back on track.

Click below to go to KwikMed and see what they had to say about PostpartumMen.

New fathers can get postpartum depression after a baby is born.Postpartum depression is more commonly associated with women, but up to a quarter of new fathers may also get it.

While men may not experience the same hormonal shifts women do after the birth of a child, other factors - like lack of support or financial stress - can negatively impact a father's mental health.

Here's what you need to know about what paternal postpartum depression looks like, and how to get proper help as a new father.

Yes, men can get postpartum depression

An estimated 4% to 25% of new fathers experience postpartum depression in the first two months after their child's birth.

Any big life transition, like becoming a parent, can play a part in the development of a mood disorder, says Dana Dorfman, PhD, a licensed psychotherapist in New York City. While becoming a parent can be joyful, it's also a big change that can bring up complicated feelings of missing your former life.

'For men, there's this sense of loss and a massive shift in the sense of one's self,' Dorfman says.

Risk factors for dads include high levels of stress, estrangement from a partner, lack of a support network, and a history of mental health problems.

Whether or not the mother has postpartum depression also plays a part. Men with partners who experience postpartum depression are 2.5 times more likely to experience depression by the time their baby is six weeks of age.


'Men are likely to have fewer opportunities to express feelings and oftentimes their emotional support is from their partner, who is likely to also be overwhelmed and preoccupied,' Dorfman says.

How to know if you have postpartum depression


The symptoms of postpartum depression are the same for men and women, though they may manifest differently, says Mayra Mendez, PhD, a licensed psychotherapist and program coordinator for intellectual and developmental disabilities and mental health services at Providence Saint John's Child and Family Development Centre.

Some common symptoms of postpartum depression include:

Can Men Have Postpartum

  • Persistent sadness
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Changes in sleep and appetite
  • Decreased interest in previously enjoyed activities
  • Loss of energy and focus
  • Thoughts of death or suicide

In men, this may manifest as irritability, physical symptoms like headaches or digestive problems, and spending more time away from family, like staying late at work. If left untreated, postpartum depression can inhibit bonding with the baby for both mums and dads, which can negatively impact the child's social and emotional development.

Postpartum In Men

According to Mendez, depression in men may go unrecognised or undiagnosed due to their tendency to minimise symptoms. 'Men tend to hide their emotions and are often unwilling to talk about their emotional needs,' Mendez says.

Can Men Get Postpartum Depressionjpfasr

Since men are less conditioned to express vulnerability than women, they might feel a greater sense of shame around postpartum depression, Dorfman says, and delay seeking help out of fear of projecting weakness.

How to get help for men with postpartum depression

Can Men Get Postpartum Depressionjpfasr

If you're a new dad and you're worried you may have postpartum depression, reach out to your primary care provider as soon as you notice symptoms. If your employer offers an employee assistance program, that may also be a good place to start. They can provide a referral or maybe even short-term support.

For both mothers and fathers, the longer it takes to connect with resources, the longer the symptoms can last, Dorfman says, so early awareness and recognition are important for treatment. With adequate treatment, postpartum depression can improve within six months.

The research on postpartum depression treatment so far has focused on women and there is no significant body of research that focuses solely on men, Mendez says. But fathers that experience depression can benefit from the same mental health treatment, including psychotherapy and medication. Finding community with other new dads or joining a support group for dads with depression can also be helpful.

Taking care of yourself during this huge life transition - by getting adequate sleep and eating well - can also help improve your mental health, Dorfman says.

Postpartum in men

Pictures: Famous women who suffered from postpartum depression (Showbizz)