Ocarina Of Time Master Quest Fire Temple


For The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time / Master Quest on the GameCube, Fire Temple Walkthrough by Ernest 64. Master Quest for Ocarina of Time 3D is not available from the start. To unlock it, the main quest has to be completed first. Upon doing so, the player will have an option to choose between the Main Quest or the Master Quest after starting up the game, allowing a second playthrough of the game with redesigned dungeons. Thank you for printing this page from www.SuperCheats.com. Remember to come back to check for more great content for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. Fire Temple Secret Room hints and tips for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D.

Note: This walkthrough is for the Master Quest of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS. If you want to see the normal dungeon, go to Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D Fire Temple Walkthrough.Quest
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NOTE: This temple requires Din's Fire.
Once you arrive in the Fire Temple, head to the north through the left door. In this room, kill the Like Like enemy and a chest will spawn. If you lost the Hylian Shield due to the Like Like, the chest will contain a Hylian Shield, rather than the Blue Rupee it would normally contain. Anyway, after you open the chest, exit the room. Now, climb up one of the rails on either side of the stairway, as fire comes up if you try and climb the stairs manually.
Once you are on one of the rails, walk onto the stairs and then head north to where the three statue faces are. Once there, use Din's Fire to burn the two statue faces that are not lit. Once that is done, quickly run south, back to the center of the stairs and use Din's Fire again; this will lit the two torhces on each side of the stairs. When this is done, the door to the left of the statue faces will open, so enter it. In this area, you'll encounter Darunia. He will go on to fight Volvagia and then you regain control. When you regain control, jump to the platform to the east. Then, use the Hookshot and Hookshot to the black and white target on the platform there. When you reach the other platform, look up and you should see several tiers; jump up to the highest one and roll against the wooden crate to break it.
Once the wooden crate at the very top tier is broken, a torch will be revealed, so drop down to the middle tier and then use Din's Fire to light the two torches in the room. Once they are lit, jump back to the highest tier and then shoot an Arrow through the lit torch to the other unlit torch on the platform across from you (It is just west of the boss room.). If you do it before the two torches you lit with Din's Fire dissipate, the cell in the area will be opened, so head to the other side of the room, and go inside the cell. When you are in the cell, open the chest for a Small Key. Once you have that, exit this room. Back in the main room, take the door to the east of the one that contained the Like Like in the beggining of the dungeon.
In this room, defeat the Keese enemy and the two Stalfos enemies. When you defeat those enemies, the door to the next room will unlock, so go through it. In this next room, five pieces of tile from the floor will attack you. All you have to do is deflect them with your shield to destroy them. When the floor tiles are all destroyed, approach the Iron Knuckle beside the pillar and hit him with your sword to start a fight with it. There are several Fairies in this room in the various jars in the room, so use them if you need them, as the Iron Knuckle takes away a tremendous amount of health from you. Once the Iron Knuckle is defeated, head through the door, into the next new area. In this room, you'll have to fight the mini-boss of the dungeon, which is the Flare Dancer enemy. Read the Enemies section to see how to win against this mini-boss.
Once the Flare Dancer is defeated, open the chest that spawns for the Megaton Hammer! Once you have the Megaton Hammer, head through the door that you have not been through yet, into the next new room. In this room, hit the rusted switch with the Megaton Hammer. This will open the two cells in the room, so talk to the Goron to free him. Once the Goron is freed, open the nearby chest for the Dungeon Map! When you have the Dungeon Map, head through the door to the north of where the Goron was, and you'll be back in the main room of the temple. Back in the main room of the temple, jump onto one of the side rails and then head onto the stairs, and then finally head to east of the three statue faces, to the blocks stacked on top of each other. When you reach the blocks, break them all using the Megaton Hammer.
Once the blocks are out of your way, head through the door, into the next new area. In this next room, jump across the platforms to the left until you reach a door. When you reach the door, head through it and in the room is a rusted switch. Pound the rusted switch with your Megaton Hammer and the cell will open, so talk to the Goron to free him. When the Goron is freed, kill the Gold Skulltula behind where he was, then claim its token. Now that you have all that, exit this room. Back in the previous room, head to the right side of the room and jump across the platforms until you come to a moving platform. When you do, jump on it, and when you can, use the Hookshot on the unlit torch on the platform above.
When you Hookshot to the torch, you will notice a weird section of the wall. Bomb it and enter the room. Inside is a Goron inside a cell! To unlock the cell, use Din's Fire, as it will light the unlit torch in the room. Once the cell is open, talk to the Goron to free him. Once the Goron is freed, open the chest in the cell for another Small Key. When you have that, exit this room completely. Back in the previous room of the temple, light the nearby torch with Din's Fire. Once the torch is lit, head to the other side of the room and jump on the various platforms until you reach one that elevates. When you reach that one, jump into the alcove with the jar. Inside there is a torch, so use Din's Fire to light it. Once this torch is lit, the door to the next room will open, so jump onto the platform in the lava below the platform and Hookshot to the black and white target on the platform with the door. When you reach the door, enter it, into the next area. In this area, destroy the flying floor tiles by using your shield.
When all the floor tiles are destroyed, Hookshot to the Boss Key chest and then open it for the (Obviously) Boss Key! Once you have acquired the Boss Key from the chest, Hookshot to the lit torch in the center of the room, then exit the room. Back in the previous room, head across the platforms in the room, then onto the bridge. When you are on the bridge, cross it and open the door with your Small Key. In this next room, slide down the board-like obstacle and then climb the chained wall. Once you climb the chained wall to the top, jump onto the platform and then jump to the block when it elevates to the bottom. Once you are on the block, ride it up to the second floor of the temple!
When you reach the second floor, head through the door, into the next area. In this area, jump onto the platform to the left, then make your way up to the unlit torch and light it, using Din's Fire. When the torch is lit, a tall black object will appear with a black and white target on it, so Hookshot there. When you Hookshot to the platform with the black and white target, jump onto the black object with the black and white target, then to the platform above you. Once you are on that platform, jump to the one above you and then head to the chained wall, but on the way to the chained wall, a Lizalfos appears! Defeat it, and then climb the chained wall. At the top, drop down and enter the door, into the next room. In this room, head south of where you start and you should see a cell with a crystal switch, as well as wooden crates.
When you spot this, take out a Bomb and then wait till about 1 second before it is about to explode, and throw it to the crystal switch. If done correctly, the cell will open. When it does so, Hookshot to the closest crate. Once you are in the cell, break the wooden crates to get Green Rupees. The leftmost wooden crate contains a chest, so open it for some Bombs. Once you have that, head north of the cell and head to the corner of that area and bomb the weak section of wall there (You can notice it if you look closely enough, or just hit the wall with your sword and it will sound weird.). Once the wall is blown up, head back through the door to the previous room, then enter the room you just came out of again. Back in this room, Hookshot to the closest wooden crate once more, then break the crates and pick up a small wooden box. Time
When you have that, head to the weak section of the wall that you bomed a minute ago. Once there, step on the blue switch, then place the wooden box on the blue switch to open the door. Enter the door. In this next room, step on the switch to open the cell holding the Goron. Talk to the Goron to free him, as usual. When the Goron is freed, open the chest in the cell for a Small Key. When you have the Small Key, exit this room. Back in the previous room, head to the opposite side of where you are now and there is another weak section of wall there, so bomb it. When this weak section of the wall is bombed, inside is a rusted switch, as well as a Skullwalltula. Ignore the Skullwalltula, but hit the switch with the Megaton Hammer. Once the switch is hit, four black things containg black and white targets appear throughout the room.
Now, Hookshot to the nearby platform that is above you and then Hookshot across the platforms until you come across a platform with a very weird piece of floor. When you do, bomb it, and climb the chained wall into the area below. In this area, break each wooden crate to get several Green Rupees; the crate that is farthest away from the other contains a rusted switch, so hit it with your Megaton Hammer. Now, open the chest in the cell that opened for a Compass. Once you have the Compass, jump to the platform directly to the north of you, and open it with your Small Key. In this next new room, jump across the chained platforms until you come to the one right before the last one. When you do, look up and you will see a wooden crate. Longshot to it. Once you are by the wooden crate, by all means DO NOT break it. Instead, grab one of the smaller crates and then drop down to the caged area below and place the small wooden box onto the blue switch after you step on the blue switch yourself.
When the wooden crate is on the blue switch, Hookshot to the wooden crate up there (That's why I told you not to destroy it.) on the platform above. Then, jump onto the chained platform where the two lit torches are. Once you are on that platform, look up above the caged area and you should see an unlit torch below a golden-colored lit torch. When you see that, shoot an Arrow through the golden-colored lit torch near you, to create a makeshift Fire Arrow. Make sure that you shoot the Arrow to the unlit torch.
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Master quest ocarina of time 3ds fire temple When you shoot the unlit torch and it becomes lit, a door will open, so Hookshot to the wooden crate on the platform to the east of the caged area. Once you are on that platform, head through the now unlocked door, into the next area. In this area, head north through the hallway, then enter the door you come to at the end. In this next area (Look familiar from OoT? It should.), ignore everything in the room, but instead of going anywhere, jump onto the nearby Time Block.
Then, jump to the platform above you and then step on the weird face tile and smash it with the Megaton Hammer; it'll go down to the area where Darunia was. When you reach that room, jump to the platform with the boss door, and unlock it with the Boss Key. In the next room, jump to the platform in the lava, then to the middle platform with the holes. You will engage Volvagia.Ocarina Of Time Master Quest Fire Temple

Time Master Safe

Volvagia can be quite hard of a boss if you aren't careful. Alright, to defeat him, wait until he pops out of a hole. When he does, use the Megaton Hammer. This will stun him. Now, strike him with your sword, and he will fly into the air and start shooting fire at you. Avoid it. He will continue to fly around, so avoid him. When he emerges from one of the holes again, hit him with your Megaton Hammer. Then, strike him with your sword. Now, Volvagia will start moving around the air, and dropping rocks on you. Avoid those as best you can. Volvagia will continue to pop in and out of holes, as he emerges/reemerges. His attacks, however, remain the same. He will, however, eventually, when he has one hit left, move a lot faster through the holes, so keep that in mind. Aside from that, nothing really to worry about.
Once the legendary, not so powerful Volvagia is defeated, grab the Heart Container, save your game, then enter the blue portal, leading to the Chamber of the Sages.
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< The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest | Table of Contents | Walkthrough

Table of Contents

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  • Gerudo Training Grounds (Master Quest)
Equipment and Items
  1. Inside the Deku Tree (Master Quest)
  2. Dodongo's Cavern (Master Quest)
  3. Jabu-Jabu's Belly (Master Quest)
  4. Forest Temple (Master Quest)
  5. Fire Temple (Master Quest)
  6. Ice Cavern (Master Quest)
  7. Water Temple (Master Quest)
  8. Bottom of the Well (Master Quest)
  9. Shadow Temple (Master Quest)
  10. Spirit Temple (Master Quest)
  11. Ganon's Castle (Master Quest)

The Goron Tunic[edit]

Use a bomb to stop the rolling Goron. Speak to him about the Dragon and the Gorons. He will ask you to rescue them and give you the Goron Tunic to aid you in your quest. The door to Darunia's room and the Goron shop will open automatically. Now enter Darunia's room and pull the statue at the back of the room to reveal a hidden entrance that leads to the Fire Temple. Make sure you put on your Goron Tunic or you won't be able to stay here very long because of the heat. Use the hookshot to get across to the bridge and Sheik will appear to teach you the The Bolero of Fire , then mysteriously disappear once again.

The Fire Temple[edit]

Meeting Darunia[edit]

As soon as you enter, go forward. If you try to climb the stairs you'll quickly find that a flame wall blocks your progress. Jump onto the side banisters of the steps and jump back onto the steps above the flame wall to go up. Once at the top, you'll see that only one flame is burning and the others are all extinguished. Stand roughly at the top of the stairs and use Din's Fire, if you positioned yourself correctly all the torches should light up, opening the door up top. Go through.

Here, you'll meet Darunia, who tells you that the dragon Volvagia is the source of all the trouble. After he leaves for the boss room, jump across the platforms to the right and use your Hookshot to get to a bunch of pots and crates. Use Din's Fire here, which will light the torch stuck inside the Hookshot target, then pull out the bow and shoot an arrow to light the lone torch on the other side of the room. If you did this correctly, the gate should open, get across (with the Goron Tunic you can safely walk across the lava) and open the chest to get a Small Key.

Getting the Hammer[edit]

Exit the room the way you came from, jump down the staircase and go through the locked door on the right side. You'll immediately be greeted by a Keese and two Stalfos. Dispose of these enemies and the door ahead will open. In here, first raise your shield to block the floor tile attack, then get rid of the Iron Knuckle.

Go through the door that opens to meet the mini-boss of the dungeon, the Flare Dancer. You must use your Hookshot to pull the core out of him, and then strike it with your sword. After a while the core will jump back into the fire and the Flare Dancer will reappear. Repeat this procedure until he dies. You'll be rewarded with the Megaton Hammer. The next room gives you your first opportunity to use it - hit the rusted switch to open the gates and open the chest to get the Dungeon Map. On your way out you'll be ambushed by a Like-Like, if it eats your shield kill it and a chest containing a new one will appear.

Climbing the temple, 1F[edit]

First Fire Skulltula
In the lava room, go to the north and take the lower door. Hit the rusted switch with the Megaton Hammer to free the Goron and you'll be able to snag the Gold Skulltula inside his cell.

The door leads back to the main room. Climb the stairs and use the Megaton Hammer to kick the blocks at the right wall out of the way, revealing a door. Go through to land in a large lava room. First, go to the large flame wall you see at the south. Climb the moving platform right in front of it and use Din's Fire to light the lone torch, which will make a bunch of Hookshot platforms appear across the room. Hookshot the torch to get through the flame wall, and bomb the wall behind it to make a door appear. Go through, and as you enter, use Din's Fire to make the gate open, which frees another Goron. Open the chest to get a Small Key.

Afterwards, go to the other side, i. e. the north. Jump across the platforms until you find one which launches you upward. It leads you into a cave, use Din's Fire here to light the torch and then use an arrow to light the other torch next to the locked door way down. This will open the locked door, so jump down and go through. In here, after enduring another floor tile attack, use your Hookshot at the large chest to get to it, then open it to get the Big Key. Use the torch on the other side to get through the flame wall, then exit the room.

Go to the locked door at the east and open it with your small key. Use the Hookshot at the grating to pull yourself to it, then climb it all the way up. Walk around until you're at either of the two sides and jump down onto one of the two platforms. From here, you'll need to jump on top of the block as (not before or after) it launches up, which requires a great deal of timing. It leads you to the next floor, so go through the door.

Climbing the temple, 2F[edit]

Fire Temple Oot

Go to the left and climb up the structure. Light up the big torch with Din's Fire and a Hookshot target will appear. Once you reach the grating you'll face a surprise attack by a lone Lizalfos. Kill it (or ignore it) and climb up the grating, then go through the door.

Climbing the temple, 3F[edit]

The maze you just ended up in is full of Lizalfos. Make your way to the south-west corner. Shoot the switch with an arrow (it can freely pass through) to open the gate, then Hookshot your way up. Jump across atop the maze and go to the north until you come across a cracked floor. Bomb it to reveal a large hole in the ground. Jump down and break all the crates here until you find a rusted switch. Hit it and the gates will open, open the chest to get the Compass. Climb back up to the maze afterwards.

Second Fire Skulltula
In the maze room, once back up at the hole, play the Song of Time where Navi turns green to make a blue block appear. Climb on top of the Hookshot target, jump across to the blue block and use the Hookshot to get all across to an elevator which will take you one floor up. Up there, go through the door, then hookshot the symbol on the wall to make the next door up open. Kill the torch slugs (or ignore them), then climb up the gratings and go through the door. Once at the top floor, walk up the path until you reach the flame pillar. Hit the rusted switch with the Megaton Hammer to make Hookshot platforms appear. Jump back down and step on the switch to make the fire go out. Use the Hookshot platform right up to get up in time and push the block out of the way to reveal a Gold Skulltula hiding under it.

Go to the northwest corner and bomb the wall to reveal an alcove with a switch. Go back to the south and grab a small crate from the alcove with the crystal switch, then take it all the way to the switch (you should kill the Lizalfos as they may turn out to be a nuisance) and drop it to open the door ahead. Step on the switch to free the Goron and open the chest to get a Small Key. Get back to the maze, climb back up and open the locked door at the west.

Go to the left and climb the wall to get inside the barred area. On the other side, Hookshot yourself up to the crate and pick up the small crate. Jump back down and drop it onto the switch to light some torches. Hookshot yourself back up and jump onto the grating. If you look above the caged-in area, you should see an unlit torch near the ceiling. Use the torches burning on the pillars and shoot an arrow to light the unlit torch, which will unlock the door. Jump across and go through the door, then follow the passageway to the next area.

In here, jump across to the platform in the middle and use your Megaton Hammer at the face in the middle to make it fall down. Now, unless you're hunting for Gold Skulltulas, you're done here - fall down the hole and use the newly created platform to get to the boss door.

Fire Skulltulas Hunt
If you wish, however, to get the other three Gold Skulltulas hidden in this temple, read on:
  • From the middle platform, jump across to the door and go through. Use your Hookshot on the target at the other side to get across the flame walls, then hit the rusted switch to make the door at the bottom open. Climb the Hookshot target and jump over the flame wall to the bottom. Bomb the wall at the back of the alcove to reveal the third Gold Skulltula. Exit through the north door.
  • Now, walk along the flame wall until you find a switch. Step on it and quickly jump to the back of the room before the flame wall reappears. Go through the door to meet the Flare Dancer again. Dispose of him like you did the last time and once he is gone, step on the platform where the Flare Dancer was and it will launch upward, quickly jump off and you'll find a Small Key lying around on the ground where the platform was. After acquiring it, take the platform up and go through the door. Climb up the gratings here to get to the top and go through the locked door there.
    Walk up the stairs and after a while you should notice Navi going green. Play the Scarecrow's Song here and Pierre the Scarecrow will appear. Now jump down onto the switch, which will make the fire at the top go out. Use the scarecrow to get up and open the chest to get a Small Key. Go back down to the door and hit the face with the Megaton Hammer to make it fall down. Follow it and enter the locked door. Go forward and get rid of the two Stalfos. Hit the pillar with the Megaton Hammer to make a staircase appear. Hookshot the symbol on the wall to unlock the door at the bottom, then go through. To your right you'll find the fourth Gold Skulltula.
  • Hit the face with the Megaton Hammer and drop down with it. Climb up to the door and face the north. Navi will turn green, play the Song of Time here to make a blue block appear. Jump onto it and make a jump to the northwest. From here you should be able to reach the door at the north-east. Here, a Lizalfos guards the fifth Gold Skulltula. To get back out, exit the room and go south until Navi turns green. Play the Song of Time to make a blue block appear, which allows you to jump back over the flame walls.

BOSS: Volvagia[edit]

Volvagia fights the same way he does in regular Ocarina of Time, so refer to that page for details.

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